• Group Members

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    Current Members

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    Yuxin Chen (陈宇新)

    Principal Investigater, Professor

    • Postdoc, University of Zurich, Switzerland, 2016-2018
    • BS, PhD and Research Associate, Sun Yat-sen University, 2007-2019

    Research: Yuxin is interested in how climate change will affect biodiversity, and its underlying consequences for ecosystem functioning and human wellbeing.


    Editorial Services: Reviewing Editor of eLife (2020 - )


    Email: yuxin.chen“AT”xmu.edu.cn


    More: ORCID, Google Scholar and ResearchGate

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    Wenbin Li (李文斌)

    Postdoc, 2021~

    • PhD, Sun Yat-sen University, 2015-2021
    • MS, South China Agricultural University, 2013-2015

    Research: Wenbin is a community ecologist, with broad interest in biodiversity maintenance, global change, and systematics of plants and animals in forests. He is now studying how environmental changes would shape multi-trophic species interactions using both field observation and experiments


    Email: lwb"At"xmu.edu.cn

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    Chuying Guo (郭初莹)

    Postdoc, 2022~

    • PhD, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Science, 2014-2021
    • BS, Sun Yat-sen University, 2010-2014

    Research: ecosystem ecology and global change, carbon and nitrogen cycles and their key processes, plant-soil feedback, nutrient cycling, soil greenhouse gas (CO2, CH4, and N2O) fluxes


    Email: chuyingguo"At"xmu.edu.cn

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    Yiyang An(安轶阳)

    Master student (2023~)

    • BS, Xiamen University, 2019-2023

    Research: distribution andfunctioning of plant microbiome under climate change


    Office: B407


    Email: 664967271"At"qq.com

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    Xinfeng Chen (陈鑫凤)

    Research assistant, 2022~

    • BS, Fujian Normal University, 2017-2021

    Research: plant ecology


    Email: 2332004080"AT”qq.com

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    Siqing Fang (方思晴)

    PhD student, 2021~

    • BS, Fujian Normal University, 2017-2021

    Research: Siqing is interested in how the effects of biodiversityon ecosystem functioning change across spatial scales. She is studying this questions via a combination of field observation, experiments, and simulations.


    Email: faustine"At"stu.xmu.edu.cn

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    Yudi Hua (华雨笛)

    Undergraduate student (2020)


    Research: elevational patterns of insect herbivory on leaves of woody plants in a subtropical forest


    Email: 1354210757"At"qq.com

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    Ziyuan Lin (林子渊)

    Master student, 2022~

    • BS, Lanzhou University, 2018-2022

    Research: Ziyuan is focusing onhow does global change shape the relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem functioning (BEF). He is currently studying: (i) how will non-random extinction of terrestrial plant species affect ecosystem functioning, and (ii) how will elevated CO2 shape the BEF relationships.


    Email: linzy2022"At"stu.xmu.edu.cn

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    Xiaoxiao Liu (刘晓晓)

    Undergraduate student (2020)


    Research: spatial distribution of microbial diversity on "islands"


    Email: 2971953341"At"qq.com

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    Jiangyue Long (龙江玥)

    Master student (2023~)

    • BS, Xiamen University, 2019-2023

    Research: distribution and functioning of plant species in coastal wetlands


    Email: 394362724"At"qq.com

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    Lei Wang (王磊)

    PhD student, 2020~

    • Research Assistant, Institute of Urban Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2019-2020
    • MS, Fujian Normal University, 2016-2019

    Research: belowground biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in reponse to climate change, carbon and nitrogen cycles in forest ecosystems, plant - microbe interactions


    Email: wangsanshi"AT”stu.xmu.edu.cn

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    Xinyue Zeng (曾心玥)

    Undergraduate student (2020)


    Research: how tree-herbivore interactions change along elevational gradients in forests


    Email: acc1909048"At"xmu.edu.my

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    Xueer Zhong (钟雪儿)

    Master student, 2021~

    • BS, South China Agricultural University, 2017-2021

    Research: soil nutrient paritioning among subtropical tree species


    Email: norachung913"AT"163.com

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    Zewei Zhuang (庄泽玮)

    PhD student, 2020~

    • BS, Fujian Normal University, 2016-2020

    Research: drought tolerance of tree species, community assembly, biodiversity and ecosystem functioning relationships


    Email: zhuangzewei"AT”stu.xmu.edu.cn



    Master student
    • Sijinghui Qiu (邱思婧晖, 2022)
    Undegraduate student
    • Ang Ji (冀昂, 2021)
    • Jiaxi Yao (姚家曦, 2022)
    • Chenyu Zhao (赵辰宇, 2022)
    • An Yiyang (安轶阳, 2023)
    • Junkai Ma (马君楷, 2023)
    • Zheyang Su (苏哲洋, 2023)
    Research assistant
    • Ruiling Liu (刘芮伶, 2021-2022)